Sunday, September 7, 2008


Ok, so todays sermon had a section on compassion. What would it really be like if we could walk around in someone elses shoes, I wonder. Have you ever really tried. I was talking with DH and was thinking about how people, in general treat one another as opposed to how we want to be treated. You know the old addage, do unto others as you would have them blah blah blah. I seriously think that the majority of people, including myself skim over that verse and think, oh, of course I do that, but really when its all said and done. . .do we? For instance, lets say you miss a week or two of work, church, class etc. Something of a significant absense. When you return, perhaps a person or two notices "hey, where have you been?" but while you were gone, no one calls to see if you are ok, if you are hurt and need prayer, if you want or need anything, or a general "I've missed you. . .whats up?" now granted there are times when everyone knows why you are gone, like vacation for instance, but lets say you miss a sunday of two of church for no explained reason, how many times when we have missed something do we wonder, if we were actually missed, if our not being there made a difference, or was noticed. Not that we need people calling every 30 seconds. "hey, where are you?" but how many people actually wonder if anyone noticed? Well, on the other hand, how many times, when we notice someone isn't there, do we call them to see if everything if ok, to tell someone they were missed etc. why don't we do it? We don't want to bother someone, or maybe they are busy, or maybe they don't really care if I call or not, am I being a bother to them, maybe someone else called them, I don't want to crowd them. . .and yet, we are wondering why no one has called or written a note.

Everyone wants to be noticed, recognized cared about. You hear all of those stories of teens or adults that go on a rampage, and why? Lonliness, feeling alone, like no one cares. . .Do we really, are the intensions good, but the actions lacking? I don't know where I am going with this, but sometimes I think we are missing the compassion, the true understanding of do unto others, people are self absorbed, consumed by their own business. . .I don't know I am rambling, anyway, its something to think about.

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