You really don't have to have a billion dollars to feel like your home is a mansion. I thought and thought for a name for this blog and when I thought of the word mansion I was won over. The Bible talks about having a mansion for us in Heaven. I know that it will be far greater than any place I will ever live in on earth. My little apartment is so warm and cozy and in my mind as grand as any earthly mansion. We have everything we need, shelter, food, clothing and all the little necessities. But when I think of those grand castles and mansions that very weatlhy people live in I feel slightly sorry for them. They have all those things too, but they lack something better than all of that. They lack that homey cozy feel that comes when you have a family in your walls that love you and that you love in return.
I am a stay at home mom, desperately trying to be a woman God has created me to be. I want to keep a clean and neat home, welcoming to visitors, friends and family alike. I want my children to be happy and warm. I want my husband to be content and free from worry. As a matter of fact I was trying to purchase a pair of warm insulated pants for winter. He works outdoors. I saw a pair on E-Bay and was bidding on it. When I got close to the amount of money I was willing to send I prayed and asked God about the verse in Provers 31:17 where it says "She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet." I knew that God wanted to homor my request to keep my husband warm. I did win the aution and bought the pants for only 13.00. They usually go for 75.00 in the stores. This pair even has the tags. Even more interresting is that the lining is red (or scarlet). I don't say that that has any real significance, but maybe it does.
I have two beautiful children. My little boy is 2 1/2 and little girl is about 6 months old. They are the joy of my days. Little boy is all boy, energetic and very smart. He enjoys puzzles and could sit for hours just puttingnthem together and taking them apart. Little girl is a cuddly one, and usually smiling. Even this week depite a cold, she smiles away. She especially enjoys watching big brother hop around the room, which he does just for her entertainment. She belly laughs at his antics.
Well before I get too into this I do have things to get dome. I am creating a binder for my household thanks to (thank you for all you do to inspire us to be women of God!) I am only on day two, but I hope that my home will soon be a place where organization helps keep it running smoothly. God has blessed me deeply and I hope I can encourage you too!
So happy to see your blog...I just love the way modern technology allows us to keep up with one another.
love- the cats crib
I've been looking for a godly wife who loves being a SAHM.... Just wondering if you'd marry me? I hear you're also HOT!
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