Sunday, December 30, 2007

What is Permissible?

It wasn't until recently (well within the past few years) that I began to wonder what was permissible as a christian. I don't mean things like white lies, loans and that sort of things, but more on how I act on a day to day basis. Even that seems vague when I type it out. Let me see if I can give a few examples.

For instance, the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 11:34 that one should not eat in church if one is hungry, they should go home. Now one interpretation could mean that if one thought of the communion as a meal, and not look at it as a Holy Ordinance. I am not sure what to think about that. I mean I know that the Church is to be holy and pleasing to God, and that we should treat it with respect, that we are there to learn and grow. Hmmm.

Another puzzle is in the area of television and music. What is ok to watch what isn't. Is there a rating we should make sure we follow? What would God be ok with us watching. Rated "R" might be ok if there is only violence?? No swearing?? What about rated "G" Isn't Sleeping Beauty rated "G" isn't there a witch in that one? And what about Music? Christian music is it ALL ok? What if it wasn't written by a christian? How about Country. . .Rock? Christian Rock? What goes in our minds? What about Sports? Football, maybe that's ok, but what about the commercials in between. Some say that even if you aren't actively listening or watching, you absorb all you see and hear. Images of things that are evil from shows like "Reaper" and "Gossip Girl."

Then there is clothing. The Bible does have verses on women dressing as women and men as men. Does that mean dresses only? Hmm is it about times and cultures? Because when the Bible was first penned men wore skirts as well as women. What determined the difference? Why is there a difference now? If men and women both wore dresses, can men and women both wear jeans? As long as one is feminine and one masculine? What makes it unfeminine to wear pants? Or is it a certain type of pants, jeans. What does God really think. What should I really do. Is it up to me to decide? Or should I follow a certain person's example, what if I am wrong, what if they are?

Anyway a lot to think about, I would appreciate comments please on this.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

After Christmas and Bill Collectors

OK so Christmas is over. It's time to get on without the crazy busy schedule I have been keeping for the past 3 weeks. Its probably no wonder I had a headache this morning. It's all good, I feel better now.

I usually have this feeling of let down when a big Holiday is over. You know you spend countless hours preparing and getting ready. You bake (or burn and then buy at the store) you wrap, you shop, you wrap, you bake you clean and clean. Boy there are a lot of dishes this time of year. And then within just a few hours, the gifts are opened, the food eaten (and now you clean and wash more dishes) and its over. And then comes the let-down. No more presents (although in my case I just received another package) no more yummy goodies, no more parties (I am not big on New Year's anymore, mostly I just want to sleep -unless a loved one throws a party-then I am there-but it's boring to just be home-waiting for a ball to drop-seriously no big deal). Anyway I digress-its done. Now what? This year however I found myself looking forward to today. My schedule back in order, I can think on the things that really need to be done. I can watch an episode of "Little House on the Prairie" or read-ahhhh. I can take my time doing things, enjoy the kids. I can relax. It is a nice feeling for once to not feel rushed. I even have the week off from work. So at this time when I should be working I can actually blog.

So all that hype is over and life goes on. I actually even had time to do devotions with my son. Very nice. By the way I put him down for a nap and I can hear him by the bedroom door calling to me under the crack "hellooo? He-looooooooooo?" Nope Mr. It's nap time, mommy get's a break today!

So of course the holiday is over and the call comes. "Excuse me? Is this Julie?"

"Yes." I say with a sigh

"Ma'am, this is so and such we are calling about your bill with so and such."

"yes" I sigh once more

"This is a call to attempt to collect a debt, any info. blah blah blah-" I tune it out, then interrupt. "I have already made arrangements and sent in my first payment." "Well ma'am I know that but you sent $x.00 and we only take $xx.oo for a minimum" I say "well I can only send $x.00 and that's what you will get. If you want it I will send it if not then I will send nothing." a slight pause "Ok well I will notate it on your account" she hangs up.

I have learned from the best. My Hubby says that bill collectors will be mean and try to guilt you into making a payment of more than you can afford. So I have learned tell them what you can do leave no alternative and they most of the time will comply. They have to, see, she was trying to get me to make a larger payment then the company had agreed upon before, and I wasn't giving in. Once she realized that if the company wanted their money at all they would take what I would give, she left me alone. I don't think I could do that job. It would be hard for me to be mean to people or to convince them to give me money I can tell they don't have.

Well anyway, time to get going.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Day Before Tomorrow

You know its actually sort of hard to come up with a title for these blogs sometimes.

It has been a wonderful day of rest. We woke up late for the first time in forever (even though BOTH kids woke up at least once in the night). It was almost 8:00am. The snow was lightly falling and I knew that grocery shopping might be a challenge. But we are like Old Mother Hubbard here so I knew at some point I would have to brave it. So finally a little after 11am Little Boy and I went to the bank (lollipop of course) and then Wal-Mart. Groceries for the next 3 weeks are now falling out of our shelves. But we knew that the next 3 weeks would be tight with rent due.

I can't believe it is over a week until Christmas and we actually have ALL our shopping done. What a weight off my shoulders. This next week I have to rest as much as I can. I am beyond exhausted and I need to be at my best for Thursday and Friday. Two parties and so much fun.

Anyway after shopping Little Boy and I went sledding. There is a big hill behind our apartment and it was unspoiled because there were no other kids there to use it! I think we must be the only family with kids on the first floor. After that it was lunch then rest. Joe and I just lounged around. Finally I tidied up and then made dinner. MMMmmm bratwurst. Now its 7:30 and almost time for the kids to go to sleep. I wish Joe and I had a movie to watch. I think we will just zone out tonight. But before all that its dishes. My least favorite job. Well that and Ironing. Don't know why I don't like it. I think it is because both make my back sore.

Tomorrow at church is the kids program. My kids are not in it but I am directing the 3year olds though kindergarten. Should be fun!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Soo Sleepy

So baby girl has been keeping us up and tonight I am just plain restless. There is so much going on during the holidays. From Parties to gift buying , no wonder so many people get caught up in the commercialism of it all. Some days I don't even think about the reason one may celebrate this holiday.

Although my relationship with God has not been at an all time high, I still feel a stirring in my heart when I read the "story of the baby Jesus." But it really isn't a "story" is it? Nope its real. Hard to imagine it, but it was real. Now I do believe there are a few things in the old story you hear during a children's play that are a little off. For example the three wisemen or kings. Were there only three? Well perhaps not. There is thought that because there were three gifts that there were only three men. BUT were there only three gifts, perhaps several of these men brought a few of the same, maybe a few bags of gold, why just one? And on top of that in the bible it states that the wisemen didn't even arrive until Jesus was in his home. Around about when he was two years old. Remember King Herod? He killed boys 2 and under according to the time of birth he heard from those wisemen. Interesting. There are several theories as to when Christ was even born. There is no indication I know of to say it was December on our calendar, or April or September. But I won't go into that since I haven't researched it.

At any rate, a long time ago (somewhere around 2000 years ago -give or take several years) a tiny baby boy was born to a virgin, named Mary. And while the birth is significant, Jesus never said to remember Him in His Birth, but in his death. So I try to think about the reason He came, not that He did or that its His birthday, or anything like that. But that He came for a specific reason. The be an atonement for our sin, to replace us in what we were destined for: a life in Hell. He came that we might have life. eternal life. This baby boy in a bed of straw would grow up, sinless so he could be sin for us.


Another thing I wanted to share. I heard a quote today that made me think a whole lot better about liking who I am. "If God went through all the trouble of making a Julie, don't you think He would want her to be just who He created her to be?"(this reminded me that I don't have to be anyone else for anyone else. God made me. He wanted me, not me as so and such. Anyway something to think on.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

You don't have to be rich

You really don't have to have a billion dollars to feel like your home is a mansion. I thought and thought for a name for this blog and when I thought of the word mansion I was won over. The Bible talks about having a mansion for us in Heaven. I know that it will be far greater than any place I will ever live in on earth. My little apartment is so warm and cozy and in my mind as grand as any earthly mansion. We have everything we need, shelter, food, clothing and all the little necessities. But when I think of those grand castles and mansions that very weatlhy people live in I feel slightly sorry for them. They have all those things too, but they lack something better than all of that. They lack that homey cozy feel that comes when you have a family in your walls that love you and that you love in return.

I am a stay at home mom, desperately trying to be a woman God has created me to be. I want to keep a clean and neat home, welcoming to visitors, friends and family alike. I want my children to be happy and warm. I want my husband to be content and free from worry. As a matter of fact I was trying to purchase a pair of warm insulated pants for winter. He works outdoors. I saw a pair on E-Bay and was bidding on it. When I got close to the amount of money I was willing to send I prayed and asked God about the verse in Provers 31:17 where it says "She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet." I knew that God wanted to homor my request to keep my husband warm. I did win the aution and bought the pants for only 13.00. They usually go for 75.00 in the stores. This pair even has the tags. Even more interresting is that the lining is red (or scarlet). I don't say that that has any real significance, but maybe it does.

I have two beautiful children. My little boy is 2 1/2 and little girl is about 6 months old. They are the joy of my days. Little boy is all boy, energetic and very smart. He enjoys puzzles and could sit for hours just puttingnthem together and taking them apart. Little girl is a cuddly one, and usually smiling. Even this week depite a cold, she smiles away. She especially enjoys watching big brother hop around the room, which he does just for her entertainment. She belly laughs at his antics.

Well before I get too into this I do have things to get dome. I am creating a binder for my household thanks to (thank you for all you do to inspire us to be women of God!) I am only on day two, but I hope that my home will soon be a place where organization helps keep it running smoothly. God has blessed me deeply and I hope I can encourage you too!